Laboratorio di educazione cognitivistica operazionale

Cognitive Thinking Workshop

“I am unique because I am different. The etymology of the words suggests that who we are and what we express has distant origins from our present, it is the result of mixtures of genders, ethnic groups, skin colours.

Uniqueness exists because diversity exists. Uniqueness comes from diversity. And diversity enriches, makes each of us better.


My Cognitive Thinking Workshop teaches that even the learning process can take place in a different way to make it unique”.


Francesca Scattorelli

We have been running our Cognitive Thinking/Development Workshop since 2017, organised by Francesca Scattorelli, who worked for over thirty years with deaf children, and has worked at our school for many years as the Preschool Coordinator, trainer, and specialist primary school teacher.


The project stems from a series of scientific stimuli, demonstrated and explained through didactic-educational practices which consider physical sensations as fundamental for the development of personal identity in the progression of cognitive processes.


The workshop offers a unique approach to education, revealed through the creation of new, innumerable, and effective didactic methods. The workshop welcomes the children to view the world with an unending amount of imagination and possibility without stereotyping or generalising.

Movement is the first way in which children explore the reality around them, which gives concrete experience, and then translates into symbolic representations to flow into intellectual categories.

Action becomes intentional and doing, although initially bodily and experiential, subsequently creates the first forms of contemplation.


The concepts are not limited to fix themselves in a fleeting way, but they find multiple connections, since all the sensory channels are stimulated, offering significant mental associations more than just routine learning.


We deal with the objective reality of “things” and their relationship with the surrounding environment, rather than working exclusively on ideas, combining in an active synthesis the pedagogy of listening with the pedagogy of action.


The workshop is structured by involving and activating multiple cognitive dimensions:

  • The perception of the body schema
  • Basic motor schemes and coordination skills (motor adaptation, control and learning)
  • The organisation of space
  • Spatial awareness
  • Temporal structuring
  • Basic mathematical aspects (classification, serialisation, number, etc.)
  • The structuring of numerical representations and geometric shapes
  • The formulation of hypotheses, the solution of problems
  • The organisation and reinforcement of memory processes
  • The analysis and synthesis processes that underlie the acquisition of reading and writing.


Focusing on the critical formation of the mind, on conceptual clarity, through a total body experience, implies the involvement of playful, praxis, rhythmic, logical, linguistic, mathematical, space and time works, setting in motion, in a coordinated way, a multiplicity of physical, emotional, expressive and intellectual stimuli.


All this can be built from childhood. Spontaneous experiences create an introduction in recognition of the space within which one moves and awakens the desire to move, to explore, to perceive, to recognise sensations and to understand.

From the area of perception and of perceptive synthesis, we reach the area of representation and therefore of knowledge and self-awareness.

You can start playing with the conceptual elements long before you have discovered them.

The child must be able to build with tangible materials through manipulation, even before being able to analyse, abstract and generalise.

Learning must be the result of discovery and the experiences offered must be organised with rigor and precision, scrupulously respecting the psychological aspects and the personal development rhythm of each child.

The constant attempt is a look to value, to encourage even tiny steps of openness to the knowledge of the world, to make them then representative of a continuous search for personal and value growth.

The child is guided with expertise that develops knowledge in the beauty of things and of reality and knowledge in its essence which becomes human and psychic progression.

Who is the Practical Cognitive Development Workshop for?

Francesca Scatorelli supports the work the teachers do in the following classes:

  • Year one of Little England primary school
  • Year two of Little England primary school
  • Year three of Little England primary school


When does the workshop take place?

Francesca Scatorelli is present at the primary school three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Tuesday and Thursday she works at our pre-school.

The pupils are divided in small groups in rotation.


Where does the workshop take place?

In our school we have a large space dedicated exclusively for the workshop. The materials used were designed exclusively by Francesca Scatorelli and made by our carpenter.



Learn to read and write in primary school

curated by Francesca Scattorelli and Monica Taraschi

La Scuola Publishing House

Little England

viale Caduti del lavoro, 19
25127 Brescia
Tel. +39 030 2511684 / +39 030 322280

Work with us

We are always looking for qualified teachers with experience in a bilingual/international environment. If you would like to work with us please send us your CV. CLICK HERE