
9 May · Niki Jane Scavolo · No Comments

Miss Ilenia’s online lessons help our younger children develop environmental awareness


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17 Apr · admin · No Comments

Strategies for improving children’s memories

  Elisa Linetti, SEN coordinator and Italian class teacher explains in this video (in Italian) how to stimulate a child’s memory. Teaching children to remember with ease is a very …

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24 Feb · Stefania Rizzardi · No Comments

School Closure due to Emergency Health Situation

Coronavirus by order: The ministry of health in agreement with the president of the region of Lombardy has ordered the closure of the city’s schools until March 1 (subject to …

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23 Feb · Stefania Rizzardi · No Comments

Coronavirus: communication for schools planning educational trips

The advice of the ministry on the evening of the 22nd February defined specific measures in order to prevent the further spread of the virus Covid 19, and any additional …

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viale Caduti del lavoro, 19
25127 Brescia
Tel. +39 030 2511684 / +39 030 322280

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