Bumble Bees class: How Many Apples on Top?

Bumble Bees class: How Many Apples on Top?

This term the Bumble Bee class has been working hard on Maths and number awareness. We have focused on numeral identification of numbers zero to ten, counting and one to one correspondence (understanding that each object being counted represents “one more”).
We have also made comparisons of quantity, observing groups containing more, less, the same or different sums. In this fun activity “How many apples on top?” the children put their skills to work! We began by reading the Dr. Seuss book “Ten Apples Up on Top!” which is a funny story about a tiger, lion and dog competing to hold the most apples on their heads. Throughout the story the children where asked to identify which animal had more apples, less apples or the same number of apples on their heads; allowing them to practice using their target words:  more, less, the same and different.

At the end of the story the children made their own rendition of the book.

They were given the three animals to cut out and paste onto a sheet of paper. At this age the students are just beginning to choose a dominant hand and the use of scissors helps them develop their fine motor and pencil control skills, which are part of their essential pre-writing skills.

bees1    bees2

Once the characters were in place, the children were given a dice to roll. They had to read aloud the number and then cut out the same number of apples to glue on top of one animal’s head. This process was repeated for each animal. The use of a dice encourages the children to recognize quantities without counting; a skill, which we have been practicing, each morning during circle time with the help of “dot” flash cards. The children have become quite good and can recognize up to five dots without counting!

bees3   bees4

At the end each child was asked to identify which animal had more, less or the same number of apples on their heads. The children had lots of fun throwing the dice and reading aloud their numbers! They also really enjoyed comparing their animals to their friends’ animals and saying which had more apples!


By Miss Erin

Bumble Bees Class ages 3-4


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